All shipments from your business in one place

With our platform, you can integrate your online store, manage all your shipments, compare prices, and choose the best carriers in Mexico.

+20 Thousand
Satisfied customers.
+2.5 Million
Of logistics operations carried out.
+30 Years
From experience they support us.
+20 Thousand
Satisfied customers
+2.5 Million
Of logistics operations carried out
+30 Years
From experience they support us

Manage orders, shipments, and clients in one place

Save up to 70% of your time by creating shipping labels.

Save up to 70% of your time creating guides

Create labels in 3 simple steps.

Request pickups directly from the platform.

Store origins, shippers, and packages for faster shipping.

Platform Integration

Receive orders made by your customers on your online store through our platform and create your shipments.

Be in control of your shipments

Check the status of your shipments 24/7 through our platform.

Preferential rates

Choose from the best courier services in Mexico and select the one that suits you best.

Why work with Us?

Integrate your online store and manage all your shipments, compare prices and choose from the best packages in Mexico.

Better prices

Thanks to our logistics partners, we can provide you with the best prices.

We get everywhere

Coverage to all of Mexico.

Comprehensive services

Our services go beyond just shipping guides, discover them.

Ongoing support

Personalized, fast and direct service, without waiting in line.

Frequently Asked

Can I generate labels automatically without having to do them one by one?

For that setup, it's recommended to contact our advisors to guide you step by step in configuring that option.

How can I generate shipping labels with Mexbuy?

First, you need to create an account on our portal, and once you have the account, add balance to your account to start generating shipping labels. You can integrate your Shopify store to receive your orders automatically, or you can also add manual orders.

Which courier services are integrated?

We have integrations with FedEx, Estafeta, DHL, and Paquete Express: the top courier companies offering the best prices, along with reliability and on-time delivery.

Cases of Success

Find out how we have left a positive impression on our customers.
Join our community and share your own success story.
Mexbuy professionals are knowledgeable and experienced. With Mexbuy at our side, we have the confidence to continue growing our business in Mexico.
Normally, bringing a product from another country involves additional costs that are not always considered, with Mexbuy I have never paid an extra penny.
Co-responsibility, a comprehensive service.
Raquel Alegría

We create solutions to achieve
objectives of your company